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1996 Ford F150 $4500 - 2008-03-13 -
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1996 Ford F150, Automatic, white, 147,000mi

This vehicle is located in Girard, KS 66743. Truck is in good shape mechanically and body wise. Some rust on back fender wells. Lift kit and larger tires. Guys truck but female owned. I bought it for the winter use of 4X4 and it has served its purpose for me.. Asking $4500.

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Ford F150
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Listed by Digi-Go Publishing: report listing error Disclaimer: This 1996 ford f150 web page is provided for information on "as is" basis. Digi-Go does not own these vehicles. Digi-Go makes no representation. Digi-Go does not warrant the truthfulness of the information provided by seller. Digi-Go shall not be held liable for any typographical error, omission, or inaccuracy. Buyers are strongly advised to verify the ownership and to inspect this 1996 ford f150 with due diligence. This 1996 ford f150 is subject to prior sale and it may become unavailable without notice. Digi-go shall not be held liable for any loss under any circumstances. All biddings are non-binding. More car buying resources for this 1996 ford f150 Master Credit Card

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