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1996 Volkswagen Jetta $750 - 2008-09-10 -
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1996 Volkswagen Jetta, Automatic, Blue, 131,500mi

This vehicle is located in Lebanon, NJ 08833. 131400 miles, Driver and Passenger Front Air Bags, Power Door Locks, Power Steering w/tilt, Power Sunroof, AM/FM Cassette in dash w/ 6 Disk Changer in the trunk, Ice Cold A/C... Yes, it does have it's share of problems. The transmission had a leak, but seems to have subsided since I added the seal re conditioner. The transmission seems to have no mechanical problems at all, (no grinding, no missing gears...), it just slips on account of the leak, there's an open in the blinker system at the fuse box, (I wiggle the relay and they work, lol), and it probably needs an O2 Sensor. The only things to failed inspection were the O2 Sensor for emissions, the blinker issue, and an exhaust leak, which seems to have just started while I was at the inspection station. It's right at where the straight pipe attaches to the muffler, and is an easy fix. It does need brake work done, and other misc. repairs also. It's not in too rough of shape in the body. A couple dents and chipped paint. All four door moldings fell off too, but they're in the trunk. The car is in rough condition, because the previous owner didn't take care of it. The pics will tell the tale of the exterior. The interior is surprisingly in good shape. lol Kelly Blue Book says that in it's current condition, it's private sale value is around $2600+/- and it's trade in value is around $1145+/-, so I think $750 is more than a fair asking price. Anyway, the first $750 takes it. Gimme a shout.. Asking $750.

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Volkswagen Jetta
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Listed by Digi-Go Publishing: report listing error Disclaimer: This 1996 volkswagen jetta web page is provided for information on "as is" basis. Digi-Go does not own these vehicles. Digi-Go makes no representation. Digi-Go does not warrant the truthfulness of the information provided by seller. Digi-Go shall not be held liable for any typographical error, omission, or inaccuracy. Buyers are strongly advised to verify the ownership and to inspect this 1996 volkswagen jetta with due diligence. This 1996 volkswagen jetta is subject to prior sale and it may become unavailable without notice. Digi-go shall not be held liable for any loss under any circumstances. All biddings are non-binding. More car buying resources for this 1996 volkswagen jetta Cash Advance By Western Union

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