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$1585000 UNIQUE OPEN SPACE*Best Price per square foot Downtown - 2006-12-18 -

Please Call Sophia Pagan at 212.561.9165!!!CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME! SPECTACULAR DOWNTOWN LOFTS!!!width=Availability:Only 3 Left!! Call Now!! @ $1,585,000 ***Offering Real Estate Tax Abatements*****Call for Information on Building Exemptions**LOW Real Estate Taxes (With Abatement) LOW Monthly Common Charges Common Charges Include:Laundry on Every FloorLandscaped RoofdeckConceirge ServicesTHIS LOFT RESIDENCE IS THE TOAST OF DOWNTOWNIMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY!!!Call Me Now To Inquire and Schedule a Viewing!Sophia M. PaganManager // Associate Broker(O): 212.561.9165(C):

My NY Living Solutions Listings

  • Location: downtown/(1900sqf)
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