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$224900 Florida Home **Younger 55+ Community ** (Must Sell) - 2006-12-18 -

This is a beautiful 2/2 Villa located 10 minutes from historical Down Town Delray Beach and Boca Raton, with its lively restaurant & shopping district. Perfect for active adults, as well as those looking for a comfortable and laid back atmosphere. Ammenities include community pool, club house and fitness room, all included in SUPER LOW HOA fees, just $390 a quarter or $130 a month.
Contact Realtor, Judy and Joe LaCorte, about this specific property @ 561-504-6177, 561-495-1530 or email:
MLS Listing:

6169 LaSalle Rd   google map   yahoo map
  • Location: Delray Beach, FL
  • It s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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