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Brand New AMD 939 SOCKET 64 BIT COMPUTER - $300 - 2006-12-18 -

FAST AMD 64 Gaming Computer--$300
CPU: Socket 939 AMD 64 3000
MB: K8N NEO4-F ( Support double core)
Memory :512MB double channel
HDD: 120gb
VGA: ATI PCI- E X600 SE 16X 128MB
Liteon16x DVDRW double layer
Antec Case
Windows XP Professional SP2
Office 2003
No keyboard & mouse
No Monitor

Email me at
Don t ask for shipping. Pick up available anytime of this weekend. Take N or R train to the subway station between 59th Street and 4 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11220. Call me at 646-637-2598. My house is near the subway station.

  • Location: Brooklyn
  • It s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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