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LAPTOP memory TODAY pc133 pc2100 pc2700 - $6 (Lower East Side) - 2006-12-18 -

Following modules are what i ve collected the past few weeks.
Would like to pawnoff to cash for Xmas gifts. All good, let s test
in your notebook or iBook before you pay me. This week, i m usually
south of Washington Sq & just north of Houston St area. When you
email me, expect a quick reply from my pda and be ready to tell
me what computer you re upgrading so that we can move things along.
If it s not listed, i don t have it. This ad is updated as soon as new
units arrive.

pc100 64meg - - - - - - - - $6 (3) avail. a lil ram goes a long way.

pc133 512mb - - - - - - - - - - $60. Crucial. Hard to find by so worth it.

pc2100 128meg - - - - - - - - - $7. Hynix Micron(2) avail. Downgrading?

pc2100 256mb - - - - - - - - - $22. Infireon (2) avail. Widely consumed.

pc2700 256mb - - - - - - - - - $20. ProMos (2) avail.

pc4200 ddrII 512meg - - - - - - $35. KINGSTON. top well known brand.

Compact Flash (cf) 1gb module - $27. SanDisk NEW. Sealed hard plastic.

ATA Flash PCMCIA PC Card - - - $30. SanDisk. Rare and handy.

Also 2.5 case usb and ac adapter for sale. We ll exchange phone # after
we ve figure out exactly what ram you ll buy in SoHo TODAY. Email inquire!


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