Apple Mac G4 - 400Mhz G4 - 1GB RAM - 60GB Hard Drive - SuperDrive - Dual Head Graphics Card - Mac OS X 1.4.8 Apple Powerbook G4 (Titanium) - 550 Mhz G4 - 512MB RAM - 20GB Hard Drive - Combo Drive - Mac OS X 1.4.8 IBM MPRO Intellistation - Dual 2GHZ Zeon - 1GB RAM - 15GB SCSI Hard Drive (may include larger IDE drive) - DVD ROM - MS Windows XP Toshiba M200 - 2GHz Pentuim M - 1GB RAM - 80GB Hard Drive - Windows XP Tablet Edition Machines are located near the Navy Yard area of Brooklyn, machines will only be sold as a package, desktop all come with keyboards and mice however no monitors are included, I have two Viewsonic 20 TFT panel that we could work out a deal on if needed. Please email me your number if interested and I will call you back.
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