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NeXT workstation - $160 - 2006-12-18 -

NeXT 25Mhz 68040 workstation.

Features include 10BaseT and 10Base2 ethernet, serial I/O, stereo sound I/O, and DSP I/O. Includes 17 N4000B mono Megapixel monitor, ADB keyboard and mouse.

With 1GB hard drive, (new) 2.8MB floppy drive, 128MB RAM, and Nextstep 3.3 w/BSD Unix. Also on the HD are Lighthouse Design apps (OpenWrite word processor, ParaSheet spreadsheet, WetPaint paint program) and Adobe Illustrator.

Includes 365 page v3.3 User s Guide. NEXTSTEP Power Tips manual, NEXTIME multimedia framework v.1 (on CD), NeXT Developer 3.3 Gamma release (CD), Financial Services Solutions Suite (CD), Fatted Calf software sampler (CD), Stone Design applications (CD), and various release note documents.

  • Location: Weehawken
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