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Axim X51v PDA (5 months old) excellent condition - $250 - 2006-12-18 -

Axim X51V Intel? 624MHz,256MB ROM,64MB SDRAM, 3.7 inch VGA 802.11b,BT

It was purchased on 7/15/ 2006 with 2Yr Ltd. Warranty, 2 yr HW Warranty Support, 2 yr Advance Exchange.
The condition is excellent like new, with no single dead pixel.

Included accessories are:
BELKIN THUMB KEYBOARD /Dell Part#: 80371093
Two1100mAh Batteries /Dell Part#: 310-6941
USB Travel Sync Cable /Dell Part#: 310-6939
AC Adapter /Dell Part#: 310-6931
Charger Adapter /Dell Part#: 310-6932
USB Cable and Cradle USB Cradle /Dell Part#: 310-6938
Leather Carry Case /Dell Part#: 310-5959
Dell Leather Flip Case /Dell Part#: 310-5958
Microfiber Slip Case /Dell Part#: 310-5960
Windows Mobile5 CD and Axim Manuals
in the orginal dell cardboard box !!

If interested, please email me :

here is the axim51v s spec from dell site.

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