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Brand New in Box Custom-Built Performance Gaming Machine. - $700 - 2006-12-18 -

I have a brand new custom built computer for sale.

250 GB Sata Hard drive (HUGE!)



1GB HyperX Kingston Ram. (high quality) can upgrade to 2GB for a little extra

ATI Radeon Graphics card with 256MB (Great)

Pentium 4 (HT) HyperThreading 3.2GHz processor. (SuPeR.FaSt!!!) A+

Fast motherboard. Can overclock.

Hot Case. Silver/Black, has side window, with led fans on it. Total of 4 Fans to keep extra cool. The fans light up blue.

This computer is super fast and is great for a gamer, graphics designer or everyday person that wants the best. This is just the computer. I can give you some a free wireless mouse and keyboard kit, but that wont be til about a week after you purchase, and i probabl can give you a free speaker kit, maybe 2.1 or 5.1. (LOADED?). I can LOAD this computer with many of the top progrmas offered today. (you can save nearly $10,000). Just for the basics, u will have FREE Antivirus, FREE Firewall, FREE wed designing program, FREE Grphics Designing programs, FREE FREE FREE and many many more....

I am located in brooklyn for pickup. First come first serve. Dont miss out on this great deal. Just for the christmas season, i may be willing to lower the price (just a lil), if you come today.

1-347-282-6717 Call or Text

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