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gaming computer and studio computer in one - $2000 - 2006-12-18 -

fist thing first the value of this computer was 4,000 paid,its in good condition been used about variously afew times for studio work has avery fast speed,the computer lenth is about 20inches and the width of it is 18inches of course it apentuim 4 processor(R) cpu3.00ghz windows xp operating system with service pack2,with 2dvd burners could hold up too 5cd-roms drives in it and 4slots of ram ,there is 2 sticks of ram that equals 640mb.. aslo it has agraphic card and also has wireless card worries about it over heatin like your average computers it has 8fans inside so it will never ever over heat!! with amaster harddrive of 80giggs and aslave hard drive of 150giggs,it come with aflat screen black monitor lenth,11inches width13inches and free virus protection cd,also comes with some pretty cool softwares on it for different things nero burning software,reason beat making software,vegas pro software,calk walk sonar software,cd x-tractor software,hero dvd player software,and if service is available if purchased awireless keyboard with mouse ........ my number is 13478041600 ill pick if you dont get me leave me amessage with your name an number ill return as soon has possible,or email me no money orders or less its directly from owner with i.d. with acopie of photo i.d so i can keep arecord just for our protection thank you

  • Location: queens
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