Donate your boat to ACI Children s Center for Diabetes and Cancer Research! ACI specific Missions include researching cures for diabetes, cancer and other dreaded diseases that affect Children. The Institute focuses on helping scientists with their research in the fields of national importance that can bring cures for dreaded diseases allowing many advanced technologies that would have probably failed in their development to become a successful cure or treatment. Many new technologies will turn into products and services, some that would have failed without the research and work of ACI ? some that might cure AIDS, prevent Cancer or save millions of lives during a bio-chemical weapon attack. ACI will allow many technologies which deserve to be turned into companies, products and services to survive ? new companies will not simply depend on huge sums of money available to large corporations or many years of trial and error experience of seasoned business professionals. Under-funded scientist with great new solutions will be able to research and to succeed in bringing their research to market for the patients. our websites are: and
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