For Christmas Home Depot gave their employee s a 20% discount card. Not exactly the best holiday bonus. It s good for a 1 time receipt purchase up to $2,000. Which means if you spend $2,000 your saving $400. I could use the cash a lot more so I m selling it for $100. Generally speaking it s for someone who s spending a lot of money at the Home Depot or it wouldn t be worth it. I don t mind going with you to A Home Depot to use it so you know it s for real. It does say it can t be combined with any other offer. I m usually all over New York so I probally could meet at a Home Depot near you. So if your a contractor or just someone making a big purchase e-mail me and we could set something up. Happy Holidays.
- Location: NYC
- It s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

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